Latest list of teams (go to the About section of the event):
+ $250 EARLY BIRD entry before 6/15 (must be fully paid)
+ $350 entry after 6/15 (must be fully paid)
+ No refunds after 9/1
+ MSA reserves the right to combine divisions based on team levels and the number of teams that register and move teams to appropriate divisions.
+ 4 game guarantee
+ Co-Rec, Men's, & Women's Divisions
+ Payouts: Open $750, Upper $750, Middle $500, Lower $350 (when divisions are full)
+ Annual Battle of the Badges Game
+ Games begin Friday night
+ Payment required to reserve spot
+ HR & foul ball bracelets available for purchase
+ $25 entry
+ $5 money ball (only one and counts as 3 HRs)
+ Men's cash prize & women's cash prize
+ 1 minute to hit as many home runs
+ No timeout
+ Bring your own pitcher
+ Re-buys as time allows
+ $10 entry
+ 5 pitches to hit the plate
+ Cash prize for winner
+ $10 entry
+ 7 throws to throw through a tire from second base to home
+ Cash prize for winner